Wrestling Tape Trading
Japan Federations


Matches listing
WCW History
ECW History
Home Video Series
Lucha Libre
Canadian territories
Japan Federations
US territories
Europe indies
Documentaries & Shoots
House show
Wrestlers in movies
Best of

Japan Excitement


Special Shootfighting tv. event (1h20)


- Onita Retirement card (2h.)
- Triple Onita
- FMW card: date?
- FMW PPV: 1/5/99
- FMW PPV: 2/28/99
- Story of F Men
- Story of F Women

**AJW Handheld:

1) 2-7-95

2) 1-15-95

3) 2-6-95

Commercial Tapes:

1) 12-4-94

**LLPW hand held:

1) 11-9-93

2) 11-29-93


- King of Death Matches (include Funk vs Cactus: a bit shown on wwf tv.)- 2h20.

- IWA/NWA Tag Team Tournament


Best of Wing 92 (1h30).

**New Japan:


- 11/7/90 (1h20)
- 3/14/91 (2h34)
- 2/12/91 (1h50)
- Super J Cup 2000
- Skydiving J

Matches taken from 1975 (1h45)

- Fighting spirit 5
- Donakata 93-94

**All Japan:

- All Japan Champion Carnival 2000

**Michinoku Pro:

How is it?

**Big Japan:

- History of the Big Japan death matches
- 8000 V. shock
- Their bloody barbed wire best